Our Expertise

Our Expertise

Our ability to access important voices in the ecosystem helps us design amazing products and equipment that work within workflows and lead to faster adoption.
We know the value that Design brings to business and to demonstrate the ROI of Design.
Holistic Design Approach
Our design process based on Holistic Design approach, which considers the product being designed as an interconnected whole which is also part of something larger.
When our design teams do holistic design, they take a bird’s-eye view of users’ interactions in their world and the many interconnected factors in their contact with the device.
Innovative Design
Great design has that “wow” factor that makes products more desirable and services more appealing to users.
where design meets engineering to build smarter innovation roadmaps , and add value to the user experience.
High End Technology Products
Innovative technologies continued to grab peoples’ attention.  Among the products we have developed and designed there are many in the arena of robotics, electrooptic, aeronautics, Proton radiation, IOT and many others.
At YORAM PONY – DESIGN STUDIO, our dual proficiency redefine the boundaries of design expertise, presenting a fusion of Industrial Design and UX/UI mastery.
In today’s dynamic market, the synergy of Industrial Design and UX/UI expertise is the game-changer your project needs.
Choosing an industrial designer who seamlessly integrates UX/UI design is a strategic move.
Here’s why:

One of our principle

We believe that in order to constantly innovate and lead we must be creative.

Ergonomic Design
Ergonomics design has very important role at the development process, to ensure that the optimal design outcomes are best suited to our client’s end users.  We define anthropometric measurements tools for each product.
User Experience
Yoram Pony Design Studio create a magnificent range of devices that gives the end user a comfortable, safety and stress-free experience.
Accelerate Project from Prototype to Production
In each case, with an intelligent prototyping strategy, our goal at each stage is to move smoothly from each phase of development to the next, refining the product and its manufacturability. Overall, the objective is to minimize the total time and cost of the overall process, bringing a product from initial concept to serial production smoothly and efficiently, and as quickly and cost-effectively as possible.
Let’s make something great together
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